Build out play (General Principles)

In this post we will outline the basic setup and starting shape for our build out play.  Also included is a video which will highlight areas that have been laid out in training and in this post.

Starting Positions

GK – Place the ball in the central area anywhere in the 6 yard box.  Once the ball is played it is important for the GK to move strong side to offer as an option to maintain possession (and either switch play or play to a higher player or keep the ball in same space)

Centerbacks – The reference will always be the space that the opponent allows.  If we can take a higher starting position then that is the best option.  If the opponent is pressing higher than we will take a different and lower staring position around the box.

Outsidebacks- Initial starting positions high and wide.  Creating space while offering as an option in gaps for an outlet pass if CB are not an option or if played to CB or to a central player can that starting position offer the next best supporting option or the space to now move and support into (could be centrally or could be down the line)

Central Players-  Provide initial depth with higher starting positions.  Clearing space allows for central players to access what will be best option of support.  Stay higher or one or two players dropping in to help in the build out or through a rotation space is created for a player

Front 3 – By stretching the opposition as far we possibly can this provides us with depth and space for our teammates to work in as well as provide an option that gets us closer to the goal.  Wide players can either stretch the space to the touchline or more narrow and centrally with the center forward.


You will see a visual explanation of the build out setup and at the end I’ve added a clip of Barcelona’s build out and you will notice how the center backs have split and how high starting positions were of the outside-backs and the midfield players.

After watching the videos comment below on what you think the keys to success are for a successful goal kick?  What are a few of things we have done at training that might help you be more successful?  And of course are there any other questions that you have about goal kicks and your distribution?


For the goalkeepers check out the post on (Distribution and Goalkeeping #3) via the link.

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2 Responses to Build out play (General Principles)

  1. Pingback: Goalkeeping #1 | performancefootball

  2. Pingback: Build out play and Goalkeeping #1 | performancefootball

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